Renewal project funding continues

THE Hampton Park Community Renewal (HPCR) initiative will continue to receive Victorian Government funding over the next three years.
The partnership project between the City of Casey, the Victorian Government’s Department of Planning and Community Development and the Hampton Park Community, aims to build upon Hampton Park’s assets and strengthen opportunities for activities and positive change, City of Casey mayor Cr Geoff Ablett said. “The initiative has seen a number of projects delivered since it began in 2007 including a community transport initiative, the establishment of a Youth Foundation and a fantastic ‘Day of Nations’ Australia Day breakfast that was attended by more than 1500 residents.” Cr Ablett said.
Future HPCR projects will include: increased availability of health and mental health services; River Gum Reserve improvements, road and traffic improvements and festivals and events.
For more information about HPCR, or to become a member of a project group, phone 8787 5570 or email