Shaken by quake tremor

RESIDENTS across the south-eastern suburbs were shaken by a tremor on Tuesday morning.
The 3.3 magnitude quake that shook Korumburra was felt across Melbourne at 11.32am, and tremors were recorded from the night before.
Clive Collins is a senior seismologist for Geoscience Australia and says he has received hundreds of reports from residents across the city.
“It was very widely felt and we’ve had people calling us from as far out as Keilor,” he said.
He said residents should expect aftershocks. “We will most definitely experience aftershocks. Although there have been no reports of damage and we don’t expect any,” he said.
Geological activity in the area is not uncommon. “There’s not really any cycle to predict when tremors will happen. Sometimes, we might get three or four in 10 years and other times we might get that many in the space of one or two years,” he explained.