Flood funds speak volumes

By Lia Bichel
THE City of Casey will receive thousands of dollars to help with clean up efforts in the wake of the February floods.
A total of $78,902 comes from two rounds of payments from the Local Government Clean Up Funds totalling $3.4million, which have been distributed to flood-affected municipalities across Victoria.
Costs from the February storm flood event in the municipality is expected to be about $800,000 for a range of emergency co-ordination, recovery and protection works; and repairs to roads, drains, council buildings and facilities (42 affected), fences, paths, parks and reserves.
City of Casey director community services Greg Wood said the council welcomed the help.
“Council appreciates the increased funding to assist with the additional costs that the council has and will incur as a result of the storm flood event,” Mr Wood said.
“Currently, around $670,000 of this expenditure has been incurred, with remaining works currently under way, and some parks and reserves works not being able to be undertaken until spring.”
Mr Wood said with insurance and government grants, the council would recover a large part of the expenditure incurred as a result of the storm flood event.
“Most flood damage was to private properties- over 600. Council is aware of the long-term cost and impact on these families, and is advocating for the need to have ongoing recovery and support arrangements in place for the affected residents,” Mr Wood said.
“Council has successfully advocated for flood recovery case co-ordination for affected residents. This funding has been allocated to Connections Uniting Care.”
South Eastern Metropolitan Region MP Inga Peulich said the funding announcement made by Minister of Local Government Jeanette Powell signified an acknowledgement of the tremendous work the City of Casey did in the aftermath of the floods.