Hunt for attack Staffy

By Lia Bichel
A BERWICK man whose lip was “ripped apart” by a roaming dog on Tuesday is in Dandenong Hospital for plastic surgery.
Police said about 7pm, two men were walking through Sweeney Reserve when they called out to a dark-brown dog, similar to a Staffordshire terrier (Staffy), which was walking alone.
The 27-year-old man leant forward to pat the dog when it jumped up and bit him on the lip.
The dog was last seen running south towards Golf Links Road.
Sergeant Ken Rich said it was a possibility the dog was still roaming the streets and urged anyone who may see unleashed dogs to take proper precautions.
“It was one bite then the dog took off, but it doesn’t take much to make major injuries,” he said.
“The bottom part of (the Berwick man’s) lip and under the lip was ripped apart and he will need plastic surgery to repair it.”
Sgt Rich said the injuries could have been much more serious had a child been involved.
He urged anyone with information about the dog or its owner to contact police.
He said police were working with Casey Council to determine owners of Staffys in the area in an attempt to track down the dog and its owners and depending on the circumstances, the owner could face charges and the dog could be put down.
Anyone who has information about this incident is urged to contact Narre Warren police station on 9705 3111, Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit