Bowler on the ball

By Jarrod Potter
ADRIAN Buller wanted Clyde to bat on Saturday.
If they had, Buller would have been sitting in the sheds rather than taking 9/32 against Gembrook in the first innings of its WGCA Sub-District match.
“We didn’t know whether to have a bat or bowl,” Buller said.
Nobby (Neil O’Brien) changed his mind and Dean Williams took the first wicket.
“It went from there as I took the first one in the second or third over.
Buller raced through the Gembrook batting order, dismissing the side for 65 as the wickets rattled off in quick succession.
“I got to five-for and thought I should have a rest and give one of the other boys a bit of a bowl, but Nobby wanted me to keep bowling and all of a sudden I had six-for,” Buller said.
“It was the first time I had a six-for at this club and then it turned into seven, then eight and finally nine and it all ended up like that and was a great day.”
“I’m happier with the win as I think that cements us in top spot, which is what we aimed for.”
The highlight of the innings for Buller was capturing the wicket of Tim Gray, which fired him up and got him bowling at his best.
“I got their best batsman, Timmy Gray,” Buller said.
“He had a few choice words to me when I appealed for an LBW.
“The first ball he faced he tried to hoick me through cow corner. I wrapped him up the next ball and bowled him.
“He started it for me, as once I fire up I tend to bowl a bit better.”
There was one man that eluded Buller with team mate Dean Williams taking the wicket of Daniel McPherson, but Buller amended that in the second innings to claim the wickets of all 10 Gembrook batsmen.
“The bloke I got out (Daniel McPherson) was the one I missed in the other innings, so I bowled out the side for 30 odd, so that was pretty great,” Buller said.
Buller runs the Milo IN2CRICKET program at Clyde and is excited with the improvement the kids have shown.
“I really enjoy it,” Buller said.
“To watch the little kids playing is great.
“There were a few of them who couldn’t bowl a ball at the start and to see them at least get their arm and roll it over from half a wicket down is pretty good.
“Most of them will play in the under-11s next year, which is good as they’re mostly six-seven.”