Cardonnay chic

Photo: Donna OatesPhoto: Donna Oates

Kath and Kimderella (PG)
Starring: Jane Turner, Gina Riley, Glenn Turner, Magda Szubanski
Opens in cinemas September 6

IT WAS a night of fashion, pashin’ and lycra.
The World Premiere of Kath and Kimderella was held at Fountain Gate Shopping Centre on Sunday night, with local hornbags lining up to catch a glimpse of vision in fuchsia Kim Craig (Gina Riley) and her hot-to-trot mum Kath Day-Knight (Jane Turner).
Lights, cameras and so much action filled the foyer of the cinemas before lucky ticket winners and a select few media types were able to take their seats and be the first to view the much hyped movie.
In three words Kath and Kimderella can be described as nice, different and unusual.
But that doesn’t do the movie justice.
It’s everything you would expect of Kath and Kim, a little bit lame, a little bit funny and a little bit left of centre.
But that is the beauty of it.
The film centres on a girls’ trip away after Kath wins a trip to the fictional town of Papilloma in Italy.
She wins two tickets (one for her and Kim) and they let Kim’s second-best friend Sharon (Magda Szubanski) join them.
Fun ensues and they find themselves staying as guests of the King, who finds himself unashamedly attracted to Kath.
He wasn’t the only one, while on the red carpet Kath told this reporter that she found the Italian men loved ladies with curly hair – especially on their heads, and found they were drawn to her blonde hair.
And before they know it Kim has accepted a proposal by the prince and she is about to follow in the steps of our very own Princess Mary.
Sharon finds love, Kel wins back his foxy lady and Papilloma will never be the same.
If you love Kath and Kim, this film is for you. If you still haven’t warmed to the idea of this home-grown comedy, take a deep breath and don’t be afraid to have a laugh at yourself.
Many who attended the premiere weren’t afraid to have a laugh, getting into the spirit and dressing up for the occasion – but to be fair it was hard to tell if others were poking fun at themselves or just picked their favourite outfit out of the wardrobe.
– Melissa Meehan