Council’s bumpy year

Sam: City of Casey Mayor Sam Aziz finishes up the council term before the new council is re-elected this weekend.  Cr Aziz (centre) with (back) Cr Simon Curtis, Cr Bob Halsall, Cr Geoff Ablett (front) Cr Amanda Stapledon, Cr Judy Owen, Cr Shar Balmes, Cr Wayne Smith and Cr Beverley Hastie.Sam: City of Casey Mayor Sam Aziz finishes up the council term before the new council is re-elected this weekend. Cr Aziz (centre) with (back) Cr Simon Curtis, Cr Bob Halsall, Cr Geoff Ablett (front) Cr Amanda Stapledon, Cr Judy Owen, Cr Shar Balmes, Cr Wayne Smith and Cr Beverley Hastie.

CASEY councillors reflected on a bumpy yet productive year when they bid farewell to Mayor Sam Aziz last week.
The council meeting on Tuesday last week was the last one of the term for the current councillors and Mayor Sam Aziz before the election results are announced this Saturday.
Deputy mayor Wayne Smith thanked Cr Aziz and said it was an “really enjoyable year”.
Cr Shar Balmes said Cr Aziz showed strong leadership and was a “magnificent mayor”.
Cr Bob Halsall Cr Aziz was a “good ward partner” and said that though there had been a “few glitches” during the year, he thought it was “good functional council”.
Cr Simon Curtis, who is the only councillor not seeking re-election, thanked not only Cr Azis, but all his fellow councillors and council officers.
“We have not always seen eye to eye, and there has been robust debate,” Cr Curtis said, “but I thank you all.”
Cr Curtis said he would not be re-running for his seat on Edrington Ward due to family and professional work reasons.
Casey CEO Mike Tyler said Cr Aziz has been a great advocate for the municipality.
“Whenever Casey’s reputation was being threatened, you were there on the front foot raising (the city’s) profile,” Mr Tyler said.
“Overall, we were very pleased to work with you. “
Cr Aziz said he was pleased that the next council, which will be decided this weekend, will have a “clean slate” with a balanced budget and no “black hole” refiring to the costs the council incurred Brookland Greens saga.
He said he was proud of the work the council achieved over the past four years and thanked his family for their support while he was mayor this year.
Cr Geoff Ablett, Cr Beverley Hastie and Cr Kevin Bradford were not at the meeting.