Cash for kids camp

THE City of Casey has donated significant funds towards an Endeavour Camp, to be hosted by the Southern Cross Kids Camp volunteers.
A nation-wide organisation, the Southern Cross Kids Camp operates a centre out of Casey, with plans to open another in the area next year.
As part of the program, a new initiative called an Endeavour Camp will be held in the June-July holidays of this year.
This workshop will replace previous camps that were recently stopped.
The camp, which will be headed by recently appointed director Daniel Nixon, is designed to improve the children’s frame of mind, while providing a fun experience.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Rosalie Crestani donated $500 of her allowance to the camp after seeing how worthwhile and beneficial it is to the children of Casey.
The camp’s assistant director Christine Smith said funds from the council would be extremely useful in covering all costs of the new program.
“Funds go towards the general running of the camp, which costs up to $25,000,” Ms Smith said.
About 25 children are expected to attend the camp, along with 35 adult volunteers.