It takes a team

Casey Senior Citizen of the Year – Jim Carson

TEN years of dedication was awarded last week, when Jim Carson was crowned the Casey Senior Citizen of the Year.
After beginning work with the Berwick Anglican Church Pastoral Care Team in 2002, the modest recipient said he accepted the award not for himself, but the entire team.
“I accepted this award on their behalf,” the Timbarra resident said.
“For me it meant not recognition for myself, but for the entire Berwick Anglican Church Pastoral Care Team.”
Mr Carson emphasised that without a supportive crew behind him, none of the work they did would have been possible.
The pastoral care team at the church bring a Mass to those who cannot go themselves.
Mr Carson said the highlight of his work was seeing the joy it brought to people around him.
“Elderly people have grown up in church, and you can tell by the look on their faces that they appreciate it,” he said.
The volunteer said there was no better feeling than leaving the residents, knowing the happiness that had been brought to them.
“You walk out of there on absolute cloud nine,” he said.
“You can see the gratitude in their eyes.”