A YOUNG boy with leukaemia inspired Ravi Wickramaratne to shave his head on the weekend.
Mr Wickramaratne, a 21-year-old cricketer from Berwick, met Seth Sleep through a Narre Warren South Cricket Club fund-raiser last month.
The club raised almost $24,000 to help the Sleep family.
Seth, 6, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on 13 May last year and has been in and out of hospital for radiation and chemotherapy since 15 May.
Mr Wickramaratne, together with his work ANZ and his cricket team, the Casey South Melbourne Cricket Club, raised $900 for the cause.
But Mr Wickramaratne thought he could do more to help with cancer research, and decided to lose his locks for the World Greatest Shave.
On Saturday, Seth was the first to shave a chunk of hair off Mr Wickramaratne’s head at Andrew’s barber shop in Beaconsfield.
Mr Wickramaratne said it would take a while to get used to the new ‘do, but was proud of his efforts, raising almost $500 for the Leukaemia Foundation.
“Seth loves what I love- which is cricket. He is only young and has his whole life ahead of him. I am 21 and feel like my life hasn’t begun yet,” Mr Wickramaratne said.
“It feels good that I am doing my part to help research and to help find a cure.”