PARENTS have joined forces in a bid to get the Casey Council to overturn a decision to close a childcare complex in Narre Warren this year.
About 120 people signed a petition against the closure of the City of Casey Child Care Complex.
Stacey Dunlop started the petition after receiving notification eight weeks ago, forcing her to search for another childcare for her two young children.
Ms Dunlop said her kids, aged 3 and 4, have been going to the childcare since they were born and now she feared having to travel to the City of Dandenong to find a centre which offered occasional childcare services.
Ms Dunlop praised the staff at the childcare centre and said their professionalism and friendliness would be hard to match anywhere else.
“The staff are so friendly and helpful and sit down and interact with the kids. They embrace all nationalities in Australia and give the kids a broad education. My girls love them,” Ms Dunlop said.
“We were told about eight weeks ago that it would close at the end of the year and were given a list of alternative care for 2014. But we aren’t impressed. The council made the decision to close the childcare complex without having any consultation with the parents. It’s going to be difficult to find another occasional care centre in City of Casey and the Cardinia Shire. “
Cr Rosalie Crestani has been speaking with the parents about their concerns and said councillors might have “rushed” their decision.
“We can overturn decisions, but have to wait about three months before we can put it to a vote,” she said.
“I’ve been told not to give parents false hope, and also told that this issue is not in my ward. But some of the parents who take their children to the childcare centre are in my ward and I want to do what I can to help. I am not fully optimistic and not sure what the outcome will be.
City of Casey Mayor Amanda Stapledon said the decision to close the centre was based on the demand for the service declining, with the number of children attending the centre decreasing, and the age of the building which did not meet the needs of a modern family and children’s service.
“Casey is home to approximately 54 other childcare centres and a growing Family Day Care service, which have the capacity to cater for the childcare needs of families in the municipality,” Cr Stapledon said.
“We understand the concerns of parents, and that is why it was important for council to provide as much notice as possible; hence the nine-month notification. Council acknowledges this change can be difficult for some families. We will assist affected families with this process and to find alternative childcare facilities for 2014 and beyond.”
Director Community Services Greg Wood said the future use of the building had not been determined, but was subjected to ongoing budget discussions and this information might be available with the release of the draft budget for public comment.
Staff from the City of Casey Child Care Complex declined to speak to the News, but Mr Wood said the council had met with the affected staff members and could confirm that all staff would be offered alternative employment at council.