A SPUR of the moment conversation on talkback radio may just lead to an enormous opportunity for City of Casey residents.
City of Casey councillor Wayne Smith said it was time for local residents to shine, and suggested on air, that council assist in sending a group of talented musicians to the Tamworth Country Music Festival next year.
On 7 May this year, Cr Smith put forward a Notice of Motion at a council meeting, suggesting a meeting take place to discuss this further, and council consider funding part of the venture.
Cr Smith said he was aware that a large contingent of residents already make the trip up, and wondered why City of Casey residents didn’t combine to make a group for the event.
“This year, I noticed through contacts in Casey that so many of them go up to Tamworth,” he said.
“All of those were performers, but many go as spectators, too.”
The River Gum Ward councillor mentioned that this was a prime opportunity to showcase the talent of locals in the area.
“It’s about us being proud of our residents and performers,” said Cr Smith.
“It’s a chance to show off our best performers, at what will be minimal expense.”
The councillor is excited to see that interest has already grown, and he is confident a group of at least 10-12 people would be interested in going up.
City of Casey resident Cathy Dobson is one of these people, and has attended the festival in previous years.
The musician is excited about the prospect of a group being formed from the local area.
“I think it’s fantastic because there are so many country music people in the City of Casey,” she said. “A lot of people here are interested.”
She agreed with Cr Smith, that it was a prime chance to display the ‘tremendous amount of talent’ in the area.
“It’s a good opportunity to have a showcase of Casey artists,” said Cathy.
Cr Smith said the group would hopefully do a preview show for the local area before they make the trip.
With the idea still in its initial stages, a meeting will take place on 22 May at Council Chambers, to workshop the plan, but the Cr Smith is confident many will want to be involved.
“I know it’s a goer, a number of people have already been there and know what it’s about,” he said.