Fire-fighters see red

Nurse Sue McKenzie with Lt Jason Mawer. 97900 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


A DOZEN fire-fighters rolled up their sleeves to help others in need of blood.
Fully operational and operation support members of the Hampton Park Fire Brigade donated blood this month as part of Club Red, run by the Australia Red Cross Blood Service.
Club Red provides an opportunity for organisations and groups across Australia to get together and do something special by regularly donating blood. Any business, community or youth group can donate as part of Club Red.
Fourth Lieutenant Jason Mawer, from the Hampton Park Fire Brigade, said many of the members donated blood for the first time as part of the initiative, which was held at the Hampton Park Community Hall.
“One of the members had donated blood in the past and thought it was a good idea to donate again, so we decided to support him and to support the community,” Lt Mawer said.
“As daunting as that sort of thing can be, everyone got through it and depending on the frequency of it, the majority of the members showed interest to keep donating.”
For more information about donating blood, visit