VOLUNTEERS who have made a significant contribution to the community were honoured at a special event last week.
The 2013 Casey Volunteer Awards were held on Friday, during National Volunteer Week, to celebrate outstanding local volunteers.
City of Casey Mayor Amanda Stapledon said the awards were a chance to recognise the volunteers valued contribution, to acknowledge that the community was stronger for their efforts and, most importantly, to thank them.
“One of the many reasons the City of Casey is a great place to live, work and raise a family is the tireless individuals contributing to our community,” councillor Stapledon said.
“Our community would not be what it is today without the many residents who
volunteer their time and skills to help provide essential services and care for others.
“Whether it’s in the arts, education, disability services, sport and recreation, emergency services, health care, migrant support or aged services, there are local
volunteers working to improve people’s lives.
“These volunteers are the selfless heroes who dedicate their spare time and devote
their energy to making our community a better place to live.
“Their contribution to the community is a shining example for others and we hope that it encourages more people to get involved.”
An independent panel considered the input, contribution and merits of the nominees, groups and organisations and the many aspects of the various volunteer
The 2013 Casey Volunteer award winners are:
Casey Volunteer 2013 Award – Individual Awards
Colin Booth for service to the CFA, Narre Warren Brigade
Thirty-three years ago, Colin Booth helped put out a spot fire on the back of his property.
It was then that his neighbour suggested he join the CFA.
Mr Booth started as a fire-fighter before becoming an officer of the Narre Warren Fire Brigade from 1985 until 1996 serving as fouth, second and first lieutenant and then captain for more than 11 years.
Mr Booth then became a Deputy Group Officer for the Casey/Pakenham group of fire brigades.
Throughout his several years of service to the Casey community, Mr Booth has worked on the Incident Catering Team providing meals for fire fighters at large incidents and co-ordinated the Junior Fire Brigade.
He currently performs fire investigation for the CFA to investigate and determine the cause of fires.
While he admitted to seeing some devastating things during his time of service, he said those moments have driven him to do more with the CFA and spread the message of fire safety.
Judy Davis for implementing innovative community networking
Judy Davis has brought together residents and businesses and proven what real community spirit is after creating a local group three years ago.
In 2010, Judy Davis started the Spirit of Cranbourne in an effort to connect residents, community and businesses.
Ms Davis dedicates about 15 to 20 hours per week to volunteering.
Since 2012, Ms Davis has also served as a member of the Cranbourne-Narre Relay for Life Committee and as an ambassador for the Face of Hope Team.
Barry Mentha for services to the Cranbourne senior citizens community
Barry Mentha has worked hard to ensure senior citizens in Cranbourne live a fun and independent life.
Mr Mentha has been a member of the Cranbourne Senior Citizens Club Committee since 1996.
For three years he served as treasured and is in his 13th year as president.
Mr Mentha opens the club every day so that the members can use the facilities and organise group outings.
Besides working with local seniors, Mr Mentha helps to make sure the club is available for children with a disability for their *e.motion21 movement and dance activities.
Casey Young Volunteer 2013 Award – Jessica Schuyler
IT IS very rare Jessica Schuyler has a moment to herself.
The 22-year-old Cranbourne North resident dedicated her time as a community representative for the MRA Cranbourne GP run and was also involved in the Casey Kids Carnival.
Other community work has included volunteering at local schools sports days, plus working with Engineers Without Boarders Australia, and at the Frankston Arts Centre doing the school holiday program.
Ms Schuyler said her work was very rewarding and she loved being part of these environments.
“(I like) seeing the result of what you’re doing, helping kids out, and being part of the atmosphere,” she said.
“It doesn’t even feel like you’re working.”
Casey Volunteering Pair 2013 Award – Yvonne Hempston and Corol Saggers
Since 2009, Yvonne and Corol have been volunteer co-ordinators with the
Cranbourne Police Senior Citizens Register (CPSCR).
They recruit and coordinate volunteers to perform a service to older residents and vulnerable residents in Casey.
Volunteers make telephone calls to the 500-plus people on the register, checking on their welfare and providing information to connect them with community activities and events.
The dedicated duo also produce a regular CPSCR newsletter and organise fundraisers and bi-monthly trips away for those on the register.
A Highly Commended Certificate was awarded to Vanessa Watson and Scott
Watson who were nominated in the Volunteering Pair category.
Casey Volunteer Group Award 2013 – Neighbourhood Watch Casey
Neighbourhood Watch Casey has recently seen numerous local groups join forces to create the Municipal Neighbourhood Watch Committee.
The committee restructured all its operations and nominated new office holders. The group ran a very successful Community Safety and Family Fun Day in October 2012 to raise awareness about safety in a fun and interactive environment.
The event attracted more than 6000 residents and involved numerous community, emergency service, entertainment and educational groups.
The group has also attended many local community events such as Australia Day, Berwick Show and also ran a Christmas Fun Night for children.
Casey Volunteer Organisation Award 2013 Award – Victorian Immigrant and
Refugee Women’s Coalition Inc (VIRWC) for Women’s Friendship Café (WFC),
Hampton Park
The Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition, which was started in May last year, has provided local women with a unique meeting spot.
The cafe provides a welcoming and informal environment for local women of all cultures and ages to meet and create new friendships.
Volunteer of the Women’s Friendship Café Elaine Smith said it was an important program for the area.
“Hampton Park is a suburb of new migrants and is a place where many begin their life,” Ms Smith said.
“There are many people of all different cultures and it makes us feel safe and happy.”
The WFC offers friendship, morning teas, sewing and craft, information session and links to service providers and agencies.