HALLAM commuters will be holding on for longer for toilet facilities at the railway station.
Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews met with Narre Warren South MP Judith Graley at the station last week to highlight the need for a public toilet at the station.
Ms Graley said that the Napthine Government has reversed the previous Labor Government’s commitment to upgrade Hallam station, which included staffing from first train to last, better ticketing facilities, improved disability access and toilets.
Ms Graley said the State Government decided that the upgrade was not needed because there will eventually be two protective services officers at Hallam station after dark.
Toilet facilities will be built at Hallam station when the PSOs arrive.
A spokesperson for Minister for Public Transport Terry Mulder would not confirm or deny whether these toilet would be available to the public.
“The Napthine Government will build toilets for PSOs, but not for the travelling public,” Ms Graley said.
“If the Premier doesn’t build a dunny, locals will start calling him Premier ‘No Dunny Denis’ Napthine.
“If we are going to spend considerable money on building toilets for PSOs at Hallam Station, why doesn’t the public deserve to get their own built, or at least, use the PSOs toilets when they are at the station?”
Mr Andrews said the people of Hallam have been deserted by the State Government.
The spokesperson for Mr Mulder said the former Labor government had 11 years to make improvements to the Hallam railway station, but didn’t.
“Across the rail network, toilet facilities are available at staffed stations,” the spokesperson said.
“Public Transport Victoria will continue to work closely with Victoria Police on the construction of PSO facilities for the rollout of the PSO program.”