PETER OBETH is hopeful a call out to the community will help track down missing pictures of the Berwick Fire Brigade’s first location.
The Berwick Fire Fighter is in the process of gathering pictures from the fire brigades history, but was disappointed to find there were none from its first location at the top of High Street, near Rutland Road in Berwick.
The Berwick Fire Brigade first began in 1926 and now stands on Reserve Street in Berwick.
Mr Obeth is hoping someone in the local area may be able to help him fill in the missing pieces and track down photos of the brigade’s first station.
“Nobody really knows too much about the old fire station,” the fire fighter said.
The first meeting for the Berwick Fire Brigade was held on 3 August 1926, with most gatherings held in the Soldiers Memorial Hall.
Unfortunately for Mr Obeth, this isn’t the only piece of the past that is vacant, but the brigade is also missing the minutes of the meetings from 1935 to around 1951-52.
The Berwick resident is determined to track down pictures of the first fire station, and is hopeful that maybe along the way he also comes across the missing minutes.
He urges anyone who may know the whereabouts of images between the dates of August 1962 to August 1931 to contact him and help fill in the blanks.
Mr Obeth has managed to find a list of those who belonged to the Brigade when it first started in the hope that this may trigger the memory of those around the area.
Mr Obeth is responsible for all of the honorary boards which currently exist in the Berwick Fire Station and is hoping he can add to his history collection.
If anybody is aware of the whereabouts of photos of the first Station on High Street, contact the Berwick Fire Brigade on 9707 2011, or email Peter at peterobeth@hotmail.com
The last names of those who belonged to the Berwick Fire Brigade when it first began in 1926, including:
Fritzlaff, Masters, Richardson, Donnelly, Rudy, Loveridge, Funston, Funston, Smith, Burgess, Ireland, O’Conner, Turner, Richardson, Chapple, Broadway, Webster, Smith, Drummond, Curran, Anderson and McNabb.