PEOPLE with a disability in South East Melbourne are set to benefit greatly from the opening of a new Outlook Employment office in Narre Warren.
Outlook CEO Tony Fitzgerald and La Trobe MP Laura Smyth officially opened the new facility last Friday, with Ms Smyth praising Outlook for the opportunities it provides.“There are now three new providers in the South Eastern Melbourne region that will help people with permanent disability access training and work opportunities to help them find and keep jobs,” Ms Smyth said.
“Services are now delivered from sites in Berwick, Bunyip, Cranbourne, Emerald, Kooweerup, and here in Narre Warren and Pakenham.”
Mr Fitzgerald used the opening of the Narre Warren office to reflect on how far Outlook had come since starting up in 1995.
“With Outlook, even though we’re based in Pakenham, 75 or 80 per cent of our clients actually live in the City of Casey so we’ve been here a long time and we’ve worked with families here a long time,” he said.
“We’ve grown a lot since that small office and just a handful of job seekers.”
The introduction of the Narre Warren Outlook office comes as over 2300 people with a disability in the South Eastern Region have achieved job placements through Disability Employment Services providers since March 2010.