Kevin Rudd’s presidential style of campaigning could deliver an unexpected Labor victory in the seat of La Trobe, according to Monash University political scientist Nick Economou.
“If voters are going to respond to a presidential style campaign I suspect Rudd could win it, and seats like La Trobe could be held if Rudd campaigns well,” he said.
“That is what makes a seat like La Trobe so interesting.
“There is no doubt that swinging voters react to things quite differently to partisan voters.”
While the odds are in the Coalition’s favour to win La Trobe, Dr Economou said voters could expect a close contest.
“If Labor can hang on to La Trobe I think they will be doing really well,” Dr Economou said.
“Any way you cut and dice it, a swing against Labor of between 3 and 4 per cent should take care of La Trobe.”
In Holt, Dr Economou said the second coming of Rudd would strengthen the seat for Labor.
“It is a very safe Labor seat, made all the better with Rudd as leader,” he said.
In Flinders, Liberal favourite Greg Hunt is expected to romp in the contest.
“There is no problems there, we will watch Greg Hunt with great interest,” Dr Economou said.
“He is the prominent Victorian, is he not? A future leader perhaps? He’s a moderate, from a venerable Liberal family and I think he is the leading Victorian Liberal.”
Dr Economou emphasized that the questions being asked in Melbourne’s outer east will be the same asked in suburbs across Australia on polling day.
“I think voters in the outer suburban seats look to government and say here’s a whole lot of issues I want you to solve,” he said.
“What are you going to do about the economy, what are you going to do about border security?”