Top school visit

From left; Jennifer, Jemma, James, Principal John Hurley, Peter Hall, Cooper, Phoebe and Inga Peulich.


SINCE opening Thomas Mitchell Primary School in 1991, Principal John Hurley has built it an extraordinary reputation.
Minister for Higher Education Peter Hall and South Eastern Metropolitan Region MP Inga Peulich were lucky enough to visit the Endeavour Hills’ school this month, renowned for its international programs, early learning centre, and a host of other facilities.
Principal Hurley, who had invited Mr Hall to tour the school, said it was a pleasure to have the pair visit so they could see how far the school had come.
“I am very proud of the culture we’ve been able to develop at the school, it’s highly multicultural,” Principal Hurley said.
“Parents aspire for their kids to attend Thomas Mitchell and that is a constant challenge for us to meet. It makes me very proud that people trust us.”
Over the years Thomas Mitchell has put a strong emphasis on international studies and specifically languages. The school now teaches two languages, with students asked to choose between Indonesian and Mandarin Chinese when they start prep.
Principal Hurley said this focus on multiculturalism was shown to Mr Hall first-hand.
“At the time when Mr Hall visited, we had students from Beijing home staying with the school and he was able to engage with them and talk to them,” he said.
“It’s a really interesting program.”
Principal Hurley also said Thomas Mitchell was in the process of developing a sister school in China.