Hey there, neighbour

Many Casey residents visited the Endeavour Hills Neighbourhood Centre last week for a special morning tea including Mohammad, manager Bev Lamont, Mohammad, Mayor Amanda Stapledon, Terry, Daniel, Arifa, Farishta, Hector, Moslena, Ilhami.


ENDEAVOUR Hills residents were excited to attend their local neighbourhood centre last Tuesday for a special ‘Get to Know Your Neighbour’ morning tea.
The morning tea at the Endeavour Hills Neighbourhood Centre, which was also attended by Casey Mayor Amanda Stapledon, was in celebration of Adult Learners’ Week and offered interested Casey neighbours an opportunity to find out more about the centre and its activities.
Centre manager Bev Lamont, speaking before the morning tea, said local residents benefited greatly from the event.
“With a variety of classes to choose from Adult Learners’ Week is the perfect time to come down to Endeavour Hills Neighbourhood Centre, find out what it is all about and then perhaps begin you own learning journey,” she said.
The Endeavour Hills centre delivers a range of affordable classes and activities including English, computer, craft, recreational exercise and friendship groups.
Adult Learners’ Week ran from 1 to 8 September in support of the approximately 1.6 million Australians who access an adult education program each year.