Push for democracy

CASEY residents have been invited to have their say on the system that elects their local councillors.
For the first time, a discussion paper has been released to stimulate ideas on how local government democracy can best work.
The Local Government Electoral Review is being conducted by an independent panel, appointed by Minister for Local Government Jeanette Powell and chaired by Petro Georgiou.
Mr Georgiou said the review presented a rare opportunity to take a fresh look at the system of local democracy and to explore whether there were better ways to enable more people to participate as a voter or candidate.
“The way the community exercises its choice over who will represent them and make decisions on civic functions has never been more important,” he said.
“Victoria’s local government system has evolved through a series of incremental reforms over a long time.
“We are seeking the views of Victorians on elements of the electoral system with a view to proposing a range of improvements for the Minister for Local Government to consider and we will be holding formal public hearings across Victoria.”
Casey residents can download the discussion paper, make a submission or register to speak to the panel at a public hearings at www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au.