Flasher skirts law


A FLASHER who exposed himself to two girls and a woman before trying on skirts in a Fountain Gate department store has been remanded in custody pending a full psychiatric assessment.
Craig Ivor Bowen pleaded guilty to indecently exposing himself through his open fly towards a 14-year-old and six-year-old in the female clothing section of K-Mart about 4.45pm last Saturday.
Bowen soon ‘flashed’ a woman in the make-up section. He then tried on skirts in the fitting rooms, refusing staff requests to close the door.
Police prosecutor Carrie McMillan told Dandenong Magistrates Court on Monday that a police officer found a fully-aroused Bowen wearing a “hitched-up skirt with no underwear” and with three skirts “in his possession” in the fitting rooms.
In her victim impact statement, the 14-year-old girl – who suffered severe mild anxiety – said she was “going backwards” since the incident.
She said she was struggling to process what had happened, having never seen a man’s penis before.
“Since it happened I can’t sleep properly… I can only sleep with Mum by my side,” she stated.
“Mum tells me to look at the positives. I was able to protect the six-year-old from seeing anything.
“I hope he doesn’t have the opportunity to do it again.”
Defence lawyer Effie Lagos said Bowen was “quite distressed” about the impact on the girl.
“There’s nothing to excuse or justify his behaviour,” Ms Lagos said.
“He now appreciates the effects he’s had on not just the 14-year-old but the other people.”
Bowen’s behaviour had recently “accelerated”. He is yet to face charges for two similar indecent exposures – which don’t involve children – in September. His last previous offence was eight years ago.
“He was quite discreet over the past few years but with the use of drugs, he’s become a lot more flamboyant,” Ms Lagos said.
“This man needs to receive some sort of rehabilitation to make sure this behaviour doesn’t escalate.”
Ms Lagos said her client’s family – an ex-wife and children – were not aware of his sexuality. “He’s embarrassed about some of the ways he conducts his life,” she said.
She conceded Bowen’s name would be listed on the state’s sex offenders register for a mandatory minimum of at least eight years.
“I don’t know how that will affect his ability to care for his 15-year-old son.”
Magistrate Pauline Spencer ordered Bowen remain in custody for eight weeks while undertaking a full psychiatric assessment.
He faces sentencing at Dandenong Magistrates Court on 11 December.