PEOPLE can pick up pre-loved bargains or de-clutter their own homes when the Garage Sale Trail hits Casey this weekend.
Communities across the country will be holding garage sales this Saturday as part of the initiative.
City of Casey mayor Amanda Stapledon said there was still time to register for the Garage Sale Trail.
“Whether you’re looking for a bargain, needing to de-clutter or wanting to get to know you’re neighbours – the Garage Sale Trail is a great initiative to get involved in,” she said.
“Garage sales are a fantastic blend of recycling, community engagement and are a great economic benefit.”
The council has encouraged residents to get involved with the initiative by hosting their own garage sale or visiting garage sales in their neighbourhood.
Businesses and community groups who wish to host garage sales on the footpath outside their premises should contact the council prior to the day to obtain the relevant permits to ensure they comply with the council’s footpath trading guidelines.
One of the events to be held on Saturday is the Robert Booth Reserve Vintage Market, hosted by the Hampton Park Networking Group.
This is a vintage lover’s paradise – the market will include vintage and retro clothing, new and used goods, collectables, Devonshire tea, sausage sizzle, tea and coffee and a cake stall.
The market will run from 9am to 1pm at Robert Booth Reserve, Somerville Road, Hampton Park.
To register your own garage sale or to find a garage sale near you, visit the Garage Sale Trail website at www.garagesaletrail.com.au