Ben at baseball’s zenith

Ben Aslett was selected to play for Australia in the Under-18 Baseball World Cup in Taiwan. 107871 Picture: JARROD POTTER


BEN Aslett returned from his trip to Taiwan with a few rare accomplishments for an Australian under his belt.
Aslett, 17, from Endeavour Hills, was part of the Australian under-18 baseball team, selected off the results of the MLB Australian Academy Program, held on the Gold Coast earlier this year.
His invite into the Australian bullpen at the Under 18 World Cup in Taiwan, was a bit of a surprise for the baseball prodigy – only selected at the last minute after some impressive form at the Academy saw his stay extended, then rewarded.
“It was a really good experience -just happy to make the team and play against the best players in the world,” Aslett said.
“Spent six weeks in the Australian Academy in the Gold Coast, then they picked the team from there.
“It’s an honour and privilege – I didn’t really expect to represent Australia – I was only going to the Academy for three weeks and then it got extended for another three and then I was selected.
“Very happy to have represented my country.”
Australia drew a tough round robin division with heavyweights Cuba, Korea and the United States.
It was the Americans who should’ve worried though – with Australia rousing a 1-0 victory over the creators of the sport – a David versus Goliath battle which Australia amazingly won.
Aslett didn’t get to play in the magic match – where the Aussies knocked off the Americans- but rated it as his greatest highlight of the trip.
“Definitely when we beat USA so that was pretty awesome – I was on the bench for that one,” Aslett said.
“Getting my first hit was great as well.”
Australia finished fourth in Group B with a 2-3 record to narrowly miss out on the six-team semi-finals.
Finishing up his exams this year, Aslett hopes to head to the states next year and continue his baseball in the college system.