Driver cops ‘warning call’ fine


A BERWICK man gave a very unusual excuse to police when he was pulled over for using his mobile phone while driving today.
Narre Warren police intercepted a Berwick man, 48, just before 9am this morning after they observed him using his mobile phone along Clyde Road.
When the officer asked the man why he was using his phone while driving he gave a rather absorbing response.
“I just heard on the 8.30am news on the radio about the new laws that start today about using your phone and I was calling my sister to warn her not to use her phone while driving,” the man told police.
The man was issued with the tough new penalties that came into effect today for drivers caught illegally using their mobile phones.
The penalty has increased from three to four demerit points, while the fine jumps from $289 to $433.
Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Robert Hill said police would be out enforcing these new penalties, so their message to all drivers was don’t reach for the phone.
“We know distraction is a major cause of crashes and the use of mobile phones is an emerging and worrying trend,” he said.
“Taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds while driving at 50 km/h means you are travelling for 27 metres effectively blind.
“I find it remarkable that so many people think they are above the law and that they are somehow immune to the risks caused by distraction.
“Just because you may be driving along a quiet rural road doesn’t mean you won’t be distracted by using a mobile phone.”
For more information on the changes to mobile phone rules and penalties and to download the Road Mode app visit