AUSTRALIA Day celebrations will be in full swing across Casey this month, with a range of events on offer for residents to ignite their national pride.
There will be free Australia Day community events in Hampton Park, Berwick, Tooradin, Cranbourne East and Doveton on Sunday 26 January.
City of Casey mayor Geoff Ablett said the day was the perfect opportunity to hoist the flag, have a barbecue with friends and celebrate everything that makes Australia, and Casey, a great place to live.
“It’s an excellent opportunity to celebrate the vibrant and diverse culture of our municipality,” he said.
Australia Day events in Casey:
Australia Day celebrations, Berwick: The Berwick Rotary Club presents an Australia Day celebration including musical performances, children’s activities, a flag raising ceremony, food stalls and whip-cracking.
It will be held at Pioneers Park, Berwick, from 10am to 3pm.
Actively Diverse Celebrations, Doveton: Doveton Eumemmerring Township Association is hosting a free event that will feature music by local performers, food stalls, face painting, community group displays and children’s activities.
It will be held at Olive Road Recreation Reserve, Doveton, from 1pm to 5pm.
Passport to Casey’s Cultural Heritage, Cranbourne: The Cultural Historical Association of Rodriguans and Mauritians in Victoria (C.H.A.R.M), together with other community organisations, is hosting a free family event to celebrate Casey’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.
The event will include a free sausage sizzle, food tasting, traditional music and dancing, drumming and free children’s activities.
It will be held at Balla Balla Community Centre from 11am to 4pm.
Australia Day – Day of Nations Hampton Park: The Hampton Park Progress Association presents a free Australia Day event featuring an Aussie breakfast, multicultural entertainment, face painting, jumping castles, animal farm and community group displays.
The event will be at Arthur Wren Hall, Hampton Park, from 9am to noon.
Sunset Cinema Tooradin: The Lions Club of Balla Balla presents an open air cinema and free barbecue, for the first 500 people, as well as live entertainment and activities for the whole family.
It will be held at Sawtell’s Inlet, Memorial Island, Tooradin, from 5 to 11pm.