Precinct rates outrage

I refer to your front page story regarding the Casey Cultural Precinct (Amazing Design, Berwick, Cranbourne News, 16 January).
Where is the $125 million coming from?
If this is out of my rates then I am outraged.
It was not that long ago that we could not afford the cost of the methane gas problem at Brooklands Green without massive increases in our rates.
Does this now mean that we are going to be paying rates at the Toorak level to finance this outlandish project?
Where do our part time councillors (full time candidates for election to Parliament) get the idea that we are all cash cows able to finance their Taj Mahal?
I don’t remember anyone asking me if they could commit me to help pay for this extravagance.
One thing is for sure, if the councillors in my ward do not stand up and represent their constituents in opposition to this waste of my money then they cannot expect me to give them my vote.
Ray Baker,