School rush safety call


AS the mad rush of children heading back to school begins, motorists are being urged to slow down to help protect the most vulnerable road users.
Reduced 40km/h and 60km/h speed zones are back in force this week as students across Casey return to school.
Casey Highway Patrol Senior Sergeant John Felton said local police would be monitoring schools across the city to ensure there was a safe start to the school year.
“Safety around schools is everyone’s responsibility,” he said.
“We ask all drivers to obey the 40km/h zones around schools and park in accordance with parking signs.
“These things exist to make it safer for our children around our schools, so we make no apology for enforcing any breaches of these safety issues.”
Sen Sgt Felton urged parents to talk to their school aged each day to remind them of the dangers around roads and how and where to cross roads safely.
“Use school crossings if available, even if you have to walk a little further,” he said.
“Your efforts here are most important, so please lead by example.
“If you walk to school and use an IPod or similar (device), consider wearing only one earphone, that way you can still hear what is going on around you.”
City of Casey mayor Geoff Ablett reiterated the message and urged the community to slow down in designated school zones, park safely and always use the pedestrian or school crossing.
“The City of Casey operates one of the largest school crossing programs in Victoria with approximately 170 school crossing zones across the municipality,” he said.
“When approaching school zones and school crossings, motorists should ensure they slow down, be alert and travel at a safe speed to ensure the safety of children.”
For more information on school speed zones, visit the VicRoads website at