Perfect score — in six years

Fountain Gate Secondary College student Craig Reid received the school's first perfect study score in its history, in Further Maths. Picture: ROB CAREW


FOUNTAIN Gate Secondary College only started offering VCE subjects in 2009 — new players in an established educational landscape.
SIX years later and the school has etched out an identity for itself when it comes to VCE, catering for Year 12 students, who are improving considerably from year to year.
A symbol of this change is current Year 12 student Craig Reid, who achieved a perfect study score of 50 in VCE Further Maths last year, studying it in Year 11.
Craig said his flawless score was the result of great teachers at a school which was quickly establishing itself.
“I was ecstatic, I was very proud that all my hard work has paid off. I couldn’t have achieved this amazing score without the support of my friends and family,” he said.
“I’ve always put a 100 per cent effort into all my studies. All the hard work I put in from Year 7 onwards in the high Achievers Program with brilliant teachers really paid off.”
Assistant principal Jodie Doble said the faculty was extremely proud of Craig and the example he had set for others.
“Since Year 7, Craig has been involved in our High Achievers Program and has excelled each year,” she said.
“As part of the program, students have the opportunity to commence their VCE studies while in Year 10. Craig also achieved a 40+ score in VCE Biology.”
Fountain Gate Secondary College’s VCE subjects include Biomedical Science, Art Design and Technology, Business/Commerce and Creative Art.
Last year, over 90 per cent of the school’s students received a first round offer of a university/tertiary place in a course of their choice.
With a growing population throughout the South East, a decision was made in 2008 to separate Eumemmering College into four separate secondary schools – one of them being Fountain Gate Secondary.
Information Technology teacher and school spokesperson Gary Vear emphasised the progress that Fountain Gate Secondary had made in this time.
“We’re showing improvement year to year,” he said.
“Other students can see that success is within reach.”
Mr Vear said Craig’s achievement in VCE last year gave his peers a sense of belief.
“We’re proud, as teachers, to see students being able to overcome that divide,” he said.