Preppies across Casey took the first steps in their long education journey as they started school last week. Marking a milestone occasion for both the students and parents, preps students celebrated their first day with much excitement. News photographers STEWART CHAMBERS and ROB CAREW visited Brentwood Park Primary School in Berwick and River Gum Primary School in Hampton Park to capture plenty of cute faces as they enjoyed learning in the classroom.
BRENTWOOD Park’s Foundation One class includes three sets of twins – Karita, Teresa, Yazan, Zahi, Both and Duoth.
Foundation One classroom teacher Sharlene Marsche, who teaches children aged 4 to 6, said the return to school at Brentwood had been a smooth transition.
“The older students in my class are really great at showing the younger ones how things operate. It’s really good leadership,” she said.
Ms Marsche said it was very rewarding to watch students grow as they picked up on literacy and numeracy skills which they had limited knowledge of prior to starting school.
River Gum principal Roma McKinnon said it was always an exciting time welcoming Preps to start school.
“We would like to welcome all our new foundation students and families to River Gum Primary School,” she said
“The students have had some very busy days and have settled in extremely well.
“We are very fortunate to have such lovely students and families joining our school community.”