Grandparents are Fantastic is a musical play that shows grandchildren bragging about their grandparents and their life journey in Australia.
The play is on at 1pm at the Drum Theatre, Dandenong, on Saturday 22 February.
Share the laughs, live music and the fun of blended culture, tradition and religiosity of diverse Australian Filipino families.
The Ethnics Communities Council of Victoria and Seniors Rights Victoria will speak on respect and dignity in ageing as part of the event.
The play is presented by the Australian Filipino Community Service which offers community-based social support at the Dove Hall Wellbeing Centre in Power Road.
Weekly activities include gardening, art and craft and a Friday prayer service and drop-in centre for new Filipino migrants.
To book for My Grandparents are Fantastic, contact the Drum Theatre box office on 8571 1666 or online at www.drumtheatre.com.au Tickets: $20 adults and $10 children.