Divided loyalties

THE News has reported that no less than four Casey councillors were seeking to nominate for Liberal Party pre-selection ahead of this year’s state election, including the Casey mayor, Cr Geoff Ablett (Lib Councillors Seeking Seats, News, 20 January).
Being a member of any political party, all our councillors must be aware, generally requires undivided loyalty to that party’s policies and leadership team, especially if nominating to be pre-selected as, in this instance, a Liberal Party endorsed candidate.
But being an elected Casey councillor, however, requires that all councillors act fairly in the interests of ratepayers.
State Government policies, both past and present, for example, have recommended changes to our urban growth boundaries and rezoning laws.
These changes have financially disadvantaged some and enriched others, while impacting on the environment and quality of life for Casey residents.
Planning expert Professor Michael Buxton from RMIT University has described the current State Government Planning Minister Matthew Guy, as “Melbourne’s greatest-ever vandal”.
Matthew ‘Skyscraper’ Guy has given approval for more skyscrapers in Docklands and wants commercial development in our green wedges.
This will inevitably mean less natural amenity, more overcrowding, and pollution from the minister’s pro-urban expansion agenda.
How can our mayor, Geoff Ablett, really act in the interests of Casey ratepayers when he belongs to a political party that wants to exploit our green wedges?
How can any councillor represent ratepayers and, at the same time, pursue a political career which puts them in conflict with their duties and role on council?
The quality of life for many in Casey has already been compromised by urban expansion policies.
Will it now be further compromised by Geoff Ablett’s political ambitions?
John Glazebrook,
Endeavour Hills.