NON-RESIDENTIAL burglaries have risen by 17.9 per cent in Casey over the past year, according to raw offences statistics released by Victoria Police last week.
The statistics, which compare the 12 months to December 2013 with the previous 12 months, indicated that thefts from motor vehicles have also risen by 6.2 per cent in the municipality.
Casey police Inspector Wayne Viney said the increase in vehicle theft and non-residential burglaries, in which factory premises are targeted, was concerning for the community and a warning for people to stay vigilant.
He said it was simple to avoid car crime.
“A large proportion of these thefts occur at night whilst cars are parked in driveways.
“This is a timely reminder for everyone to ensure that your vehicles are locked up and that valuable items are removed,” Insp Viney said.
“These simple strategies will assist in reducing this type of crime in Casey.”
The raw offence statistics for Casey also showed a 3.7 per cent rise in crimes against the person and a 2.5 per cent rise in both crimes against property and drug offences.
But Insp Viney drew consolation from the 9.5 per cent decrease in robbery, a 7 per cent decrease in assault excluding family violence, a 6.7 per cent decrease in property damage and a 4.8 per cent decrease in thefts from motor vehicles, among other smaller decreases seen in the raw offences statistics.
He also commended the Casey police’s response to family violence, despite a 2 per cent increase in assaults according to the raw offences data.
“(We) continue to provide safety and support for victims and target recidivist offenders,” he said.
“We will continue to work with community leaders and departments and support agencies to minimise the impact of family violence in the community.”
Insp Viney also warned Casey drivers to be wary on the roads, especially with Easter on the horizon, and reminded the community that speeding contributes to one third of Victorian road trauma.
“The enforcement of speed is a key element of the Victoria Police strategy and critical to keeping our roads safe and reducing road trauma,” he said.
“There will be a strong focus on Casey roads on speed related offences and a continued focus on alcohol and drug impaired drivers.”
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For immediate assistance phone triple zero or to provide information which may assist in solving a crime phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.