State final for Hallam girls

Hallam Senior College Girls’ Cricket Team (in no particular order): Cassandra Meads, Bobbi Pollard, Naila Faaiuaso, Brittany Partington, Amy Barnes, Karlee Dale, Hayley Certoma, Kaylee Rotheram, Taylah Clayton, Ebony Wroe, Sherridan Murphy, Teagan Sheldon, Karly Tapner. Coach Brett Alexander (left) and assistant coach Stuart Johnson (right). 119478 Picture: HALLAM SENIOR COLLEGE

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HALLAM Senior College started its school cricket year with a bang and have earned its spot in the state cricket grand final.
The last week of term-one the girls’ cricket team played Wonthaggi in the State quarter final. Bowling first, Hallam Senior College took a couple of early wickets but the opposition put together a good partnership going to drinks at the half-way mark of their innings at 3/46.
The Hallam girls came out after the break to capture the important wicket of the Wonthaggi key batsmen and from there Hallam managed to steamroll Wonthaggi to have them all out for 61 in the last over of the innings.
Best of the bowlers were Naila Faaiuaso with 3/11 off three overs, Ebony Wroe 2/12 off three overs and Brittany Partington 2/5 off two overs.
Hallam’s innings began strongly with Karly Tapner and Sherridan Murphy and they proceeded to play some fantastic cricket, chasing the score down in only six overs. Tapner finished 27 not out and Murphy 18 not out.
The girls now progress to the state final which will take place in term four. This is the fifth year in a row the Hallam Senior College girls’ team has made it to the state final.
Other highlights from games leading up to the quarter final were Karly Tapner smashing 100 not out, Sherridan Murphy 50 not out, Brittany Partington 62 and Bobbi Pollard’s 4/8 off three overs.