Electorate should hit back

THE purpose of the Australian Government is to govern in the interests of all Australians, irrespective of political allegiance or the lack of it, or social status or the lack of it.
The current Abbott Government, in the form of its first Federal Budget, is deliberately ignoring and failing in the most basic of all its obligations.
The above is blindingly obvious, not because this letter writer says it is, but because of the Government’s well publicized actions.
The budget deficit has to be dealt with, but not this way.
Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey’s idea is to make token temporary gestures, a temporary Parliamentary pay freeze, a levy on those over $180,000 a year for two to three years.
The real situation is not what it seems.
Massive cuts in education and health, people near or at the age of 65 being forced to work to 67 or 70, and $7 surcharge for each doctor’s visit.
Pressure on the disabled to be forced to work, if there are jobs.
The unemployed, especially the young unemployed, being threatened with destitution if they don’t comply with new and complex rules.
Students to be slugged with massive increases in their HECS debts.
It would be possible but futile to continue with more of the same.
This so called budget is the most vicious, sustained and comprehensive attack on the less-privileged in our society in living memory.
It is an indication of the mental and politcal bankruptcy of this “plan to obtain but not plan to utilize proven in an ethical manner” government, for want of a better label.
If these people continue in their present fashion, an electorate, who have have been and are being treated with contempt, will deal with Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey etc in the appropriate ethical electoral manner.
They will be removed as they so richly deserve to be.
Geoff Cain,
Endeeavour Hills.