Family motto Tyler’s rite

Young Casey Cannon Tyler Jacobs dreams of wearing the Australian green and gold one day. 120798 Picture: RUSSELL BENNETT


THIRD generation hockey player Tyler Jacobs had only just started to walk when his mum Deb first put a hockey stick in his hand.
She knew the sport ran in their veins and, in her own words, “a family who plays together stays together” is the Jacobs’ family motto. After all, she followed Tyler’s Pa Peter into hockey.
“Tyler started playing when he was four, four-and-a-half,” Deb said from their Pakenham living room.
“He went into under-10s at four-and-a-half, five and it took him a little while to get it but at the start of last year it all just clicked.”
And that might be a slight understatement.
The Nar Nar Goon Primary School student was recently selected to represent his state in the School Sports Victoria 12-years-and-under boys’ hockey team to tour Hobart from 3 to 8 August.
He found out he’d made the team the same afternoon he trialled to make the squad. Players were told then and there – they’d either made it, or they hadn’t.
Tyler was over the moon.
“I was blown away,” he said.
“I was speechless.”
Deb said the family was somewhat surprised at his inclusion, given a poor second trial. There were three trials on the same day – each a knockout stage – and Tyler just kept progressing.
His speed, agility and vision on the field help to set him apart. The center half plays for Casey but idolises Australian hockey legend Jamie Dwyer and dreams of also one day wearing the national green and gold.
But for now, he’s working his way through the ranks – from representative level, to state, and hopefully soon – national.
“With this being his first year of trialling we were just putting him in there for experience, rather than thinking he’d make the team but he shocked us all and got in,” Deb said.
“We’re just so proud of him.”
As for Tyler – he’s just doing what makes him happy. It’s the family way.
Anyone willing to sponsor Tyler on his trip to Hobart later this year – a trip that will cost around $3000 – should call Deb on 0407 343 373.