Terminal decline

Bridget Cook is to commended for her report You’re Terminated (News, 15 May).
Councillor Wayne Smith is completely out of order for accusing State Opposition leader Daniel Andrews of “cheap political point-scoring” on this matter.
Cr Smith, I would like to say to you that as a justice of the peace you should have respect for evidence.
Cr Smith, where is the evidence that Casey ratepayers want you, and council, to spend public ratepayer revenue on Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonators to promote local projects?
Further, where is the evidence that Casey ratepayers support the use of commercial in confidence payments in this extravagant way?
Opposition leader Daniel Andrews, however, must be applauded for his initiative and plans to cap rates on all home and property owners in future.
There is evidence that Casey council has misused public funds such by prosecuting individual ratepayers for breaching council’s undemocratic public question time protocols.
This is another issue the State Opposition should take up after the Coalition is thrown out of office in November – please reform the present draconian public question time rules at Casey council.
John Glazebrook,
Endeavour Hills.