Five days of colour fun

Thomas, Grace and Tara were all dressed up for Education Week.

STUDENTS from Narre Warren North Primary School had five days of fun last month when they were involved in a bunch of activities for Education Week.
This year’s theme, Colour My World, saw each classroom represent a different colour of the rainbow, with the Junior School Council dedicating Monday to the colour yellow as part of a fundraiser for Challenge – Supporting Kids with Cancer.
“Yellow doughnuts and a yellow parade were part of the fun for the day,” performing arts teacher Janet Taylor said.
“Colourful rooms were opened for viewing on Open Night and the final day was a teacher’s fun day, when grades visited other classroom for activities involving the word ‘colour’.”
A comic play, written by the grade six students, was performed at the final assembly for the week to cap off the festivities.
“Loads of laughter was heard ringing through the school at the end of a wonderful week that recognises the importance of good education and caring for others less fortunate in our colourful world,” Ms Taylor said.