It’s a mess

THERE are currently two shows running in the Australian media. One is a quality, well-staged and directed effort with talented contestants and competent judges – this is MasterChef. The other show, which is centred in Canberra, is sadly none of the above. A good name for it would be MasterMess, or alternatively the current Australian “Government”. The chief cook being Mr Abbott, our Prime Minister. The above may or may not be to some degree funny, the actual situation decidedly is not. For the last almost nine months there has been a sustained, vicious at times and almost hysterical series of attacks on various groups or individuals in sectors of our society. For example the unemployed young and old, the disabled, pensioners, students etc. All of whom are to be penalised in various ways financially. In the case of the pensioners, after a working lifetime to be forced to continue for an extra two to five years. Probably the most bizarre idea is to pursue students beyond the grave to receive their HECS study debt. Never mind the grieving parents and families. This all points to an arrogant, thoughtless, heartless and most of all politically and mentally inept and incompetent government in the MasterMess.
Geoff Cain,
Endeavour Hills.