MEMBERS of the Melbourne Vixens ANZ Championship-winning netball squad ventured down to the Berwick Indoor Sports Centre for clinics with local up-and-coming players last Wednesday.
Starting centre Liz Watson and defender Jo Weston joined former Vixen and now New South Wales Swift Erin Hoare in conducting a range of drills and skills sessions with adoring fans such as young under-13 and under-15 Pakenham Lions players.
There’s been no rest for the championship winners since their triumph.
They headed to a range of regional centres including Hamilton and Ararat as part of a nine-clinic tour across the state before heading to Berwick to show the local Casey and Cardinia young guns a trick or two.
Berwick Indoor Sports runs a variety of competitions and training programs for juniors and seniors of all skill levels.
Participants play in social or competitive leagues and programs in a fun and friendly atmosphere.
The Melbourne Vixens defeated the Queensland Firebirds 53-42 in the ANZ Championship grand final at Melbourne’s Hisense Arena on 22 June.
It was the team’s second championship win, following its success over the Adelaide Thunderbirds in 2009.
The Berwick Indoor Sports Centre is at 68 Bemersyde Drive in Berwick.
For more information, visit www.berwickindoorsports.com.