A gift to the sport

Anthony Johnston, Sensei Nerida Field, and Alex Nguyen are just part of the hard-working team at Berwick Ishinryu. Picture: SUPPLIED


BERWICK’S Ishinryu Dojo was presented a $500 cheque from the Bendigo Bank earlier this month to help with the continued development of its star young athletes.
Star pupils Anthony Johnston and Alex Nguyen have been selected to compete in the National Championships in Western Australia in a week’s time and they, along with Sensei Nerida Field attended the Berwick Karate trivia and auction night.
Following the nationals, Anthony has also been graded for his black belt in mid-August, and is set to represent Australia in the Oceania Championships in Fiji in September.
Anthony and Alex both competed in the nationals in Tasmania last year, with Anthony – from Beaconsfield – taking home a gold medal and Alex – from Berwick – a bronze.
The pair were just two of many promising youngsters showcasing their skills in front of friends and family at their dojo’s demonstration day earlier this year under the watchful eye of Sensei Field.
The students are constantly improving their skills in both the Kata and Kumite disciplines, with karate proving to be an ideal sport in enhancing their mental focus, self-discipline, confidence, self-esteem and overall fitness levels.
Kata involves pre-arranged movements against an imaginary opponent, while Kumite involves basic fighting with touch contact.
The sport does not encourage fighting but, rather, promotes self-protection and co-ordination and is ideal for people of all ages and experience levels.
Sensei Field is a third Dan who has represented Australia in international competition.
Her Berwick Ishinryu Dojo came to life in 2005 and has been progressively growing ever since.
For more information, call 0412 333 664, drop by 35 Enterprise Avenue Berwick, or visit www.berwickkarate.com.au.