WHAT Joshua Atkinson lacked in size after being born at just 25 weeks into his mother’s pregnancy, he made up for in his fighting spirit.
It is that strength and the journey Joshua has been on for that past seven years that has inspired his Cranbourne family to strap on their runners and sign up for Life’s Little Treasures Foundation’s Walk for Prems in October.
His mother Colleen said it was the second year a group of Joshua’s family and friends would take part in the walk to raise awareness and money to support those with premature or sick babies, as well as meet others who have gone through the same thing.
“We love the concept of raising awareness about funds for this cause,” she said.
“But we also find it’s great to meet other families from similar backgrounds.
“It puts it in perspective for Joshua that other children have these problems that he is still facing and have a shared experience of a hard start to life.
“It’s great for Joshua to meet other children who have gone through the same things.”
Ms Atkinson’s waters broke just 22 weeks into her pregnancy with Joshua, who is now seven years old.
At 25 weeks Joshua was born weighing just over two pounds and spent the first three months of his life in the Royal Women’s Hospital.
“We did have a lot of issues with him while he was in hospital,” she said.
“It was always one step forward, three steps back.
“He was just a strong little thing though and did very well and fighting through it all.”
Joshua is now a spirited young boy with just a few healthy complications with his eyes, speech delays and autism.
“For being born at 25 weeks, his health complications are very minimal compared to what they could have been,” Ms Atkinson said.
“He really is our miracle baby.”
All funds raised by Life’s Little Treasures Foundation’s Walk for Prems will help provide people like the Atkinson’s with information, support and understanding to help them with their journey.
The foundation is Australia’s leading charity dedicated to the families of babies born premature or sick.
About 45,000 infants are admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or Special Care Nursery ward each year in Australia.
As the world’s leading cause of newborn deaths, complications from premature birth is an area requiring increased funding for research and support.
The walk will take place in all major cities on Sunday 26 October, with the Melbourne one being held at Albert Park Lake from 8am.
To sponsor the Atkinson’s in the Walk for Prems, or find out how to get involved, visit www.walkforprems.org.au and search for Team Bazinga.