LIBERAL candidate Amanda Stapledon has slammed the Opposition’s suggestions that Premier Denis Napthine had a conflict of interest when he attended a recent Liberal fund-raiser for the seat of Narre Warren North.
Her response comes amid Labor allegations that Dr Napthine, also the Racing Minister, had a conflict of interest in attending this month’s fund-raiser along with the part owners of racehorse Black Caviar.
The fund-raiser was held in Beaconsfield on August 2 to raise money for Ms Stapledon’s campaign for the marginal Narre Warren North seat.
Ms Stapledon on Wednesday said the fund-raiser was conducted “entirely within the guidelines of the government and the Liberal Party.”
“The Premier kindly agreed to be the guest of honour at the function to help support my local campaign efforts,” she said.
“Any suggestions that this function was in any way improper are defamatory, misleading and completely incorrect.”
Labor MP Martin Pakula this week said Dr Napthine should not use his position as Racing Minister to raise funds for the Liberal Party.
“He is the Racing Minister, he has responsibility for the governance of the code and people who participate in racing expect that that job will be carried out without fear or favour,” Mr Pakula told the ABC.
“Every time the Premier, as Racing Minister, involves himself in racing industry fund-raisers for the benefit of the Liberal Party, that puts a cloud over the integrity of the sport.
“The fact is that the racing industry, more than any other industry, is absolutely dependent not just on its integrity but on perceptions of integrity.”
The Premier denied that there was a conflict of interest in his appearance at the fund-raiser, and said it was not inappropriate to use his connections to raise money for the Liberal Party.
“I’m Premier of the state, I go to fund-raising events across a range of areas,” he told the ABC.
“This is according to the rules and guidelines that are set by the electoral commission and even stricter rules applied by the Liberal Party and they have complied with all of those.
“There is simply no conflict of interest. It is absolute and utter nonsense.”