CASEY Cardinia Business Week kicked off in style on Monday with an expo focussed on learning and networking.
Businesses from across the region took part in the Casey Cardinia Business Week Launch and Tech Expo held at the Cardinia Cultural Centre.
The expo showcased industry service providers specialising in technology tools and services to ramp up business productivity and a seminar with representatives of the three levels of government.
There was also a CSIRO presentation about using applied research and development to create wealth and a panel discussion by leading online business entrepreneurs in technology.
The expo kicked off an action-packed week of business activities across the region to tie in with Small Business Festival Victoria.
Other events throughout the week include seminars at Telstra Business Centre on topics including how to digitise a business and the secrets of project management and a workshop at Narre Community Learning Centre on building a good support network.
The Small Business Bus will be at Cranbourne Homemaker Centre car park today (Thursday) between 10am and 4pm.
The City of Casey is hosting two seminars on Friday at the Civic Centre on Magid Drive, one about creating effective videos for websites and another on building a strong online presence.
There is also a business networking event at Toomah Community Centre, 1 Golden Green Street, Pakenham, between 10am and noon on Saturday.
City of Casey Mayor Geoff Ablett said the two councils have joined to deliver Casey Cardinia Business Week.
“Many business owners can be so busy dealing with the day-to-day challenges of growing their business that it can be hard to take the time to seek external information, advice and inspiration,” he said.
“Casey Cardinia Business Week serves up a range of targeted business training sessions to help businesses improve their effectiveness and discover what’s new in the industry.”
To book for any events visit www.caseycardinia.com.au/eventscalendar or contact City of Casey Customer Service on 9705 5200.