Back to the bush

CASEY residents have been urged to go bush this weekend and to their bit to protect and preserve local bushland.
Sunday marks Bushcare’s Major Day Out (BMDO) and there are two events planned in Casey for local residents to get involved in.
Sydney resident Don Wilson founded BMDO to create greater awareness of bushcare and the threats to Australian bushland in urban and semi-urban areas.
He gained the backing of his local council, Landcare Australia and a committee of volunteers and has since spread the event nation-wide in recent years.
“BMDO has quickly grown to become a national day of community participation in the care of our natural environment with more than 200 events to be held in 2014,” Mr Wilson said.
“The event is a great way to meet new people while doing your bit to preserve our bushland.”
BMDO aims to enable new volunteers to increase their knowledge about their local area and make a difference under the guidance of professionals and experienced volunteers.
The Australian Plant Society will host an event at Wilson Botanic Park in Berwick on Saturday 6 September from 9am to 4pm.
The society has organised its annual Australian Native Plant Sale where people can buy direct from the growers, seek advice on plant selection, purchase specialist gardening books and view a native flower display.
There will also be a BMDO event at Colley Street Nature Reserve in Pearcedale on Sunday from 10am to 1pm.
People can head along to see the reserve’s remnant bush land, meet bushcare volunteers, help with some weeding and rubbish removal, enjoy a short walk along the tracks and finish with a barbecue lunch.
To find out more visit