CRANBOURNE teenager Tex Kennedy has hit the ground running in his bid to collect has many runners as possible for underprivileged people in the community.
The year 12 student has organised his own Shoes for Planet Earth drive and is collecting unwanted running shoes in good condition which he will then donate to local charities.
Tex said he decided to organise a shoe drive to do his bit to help those who are underprivileged.
“I followed Shoes for Planet Earth on Facebook and realised I could organise something for our local community,” he said.
“I believe that everybody wants to help in some small way but are not sure where to start.
“Runners are both comfortable and practical so I feel they are the best to pass on to those in need of footwear.
“The runners need to be in good condition, without holes and tied together by the laces so they don’t separate.”
Tex said he has already been overwhelmed with the response since he started his shoe drive just last week.
“Local Casey residents have supported the drive through their community Facebook pages,” he said.
“I was pleased with the fantastic support of the local community with over 20 pairs of runners being donated in the first two days of the drive.
“I would like to collect as many pairs of shoes as possible.”
People can contribute shoes to the cause by dropping them off at three Cranbourne collection points – Bodyworks Fitness at 1/106 Camms Road, Kennedys Garden Supplies at 1635 South Gippsland Highway and 6 Earlston Circuit.
The shoes will then be sorted and distributed to organisations that need them including the Salvation Army, homeless shelters and community housing organisations.
For more information visit www.shoesforplanetearth.com.