THE State Government has promised to re-develop the Narre Warren North Scout Hall if it is re-elected next month.
Narre Warren North candidate Amanda Stapledon visited the site on Saturday to promise the Liberals would spend $100,000 to upgrade and restore the hall.
“This funding will go a long way towards improving facilities at the hall, which is badly in need of upgrading,” Ms Stapledon said.
“This is great news for the Narre Warren North Scout Group and the wider community who will have access to much better local facilities.”
Crime Prevention Minister Ed O’Donohue, who joined Ms Stapledon for the announcement, said the funding promise highlighted the partnership between the Napthine Government and Scouts Victoria.
“Amanda has listened to the local community about the need to upgrade the Scout Hall, and thanks to her hard work, has delivered this important local election commitment,” he said.
The hall is available to the local community for hire, and along with Scouts, hosts faith-based groups, fitness groups and social functions.
A spokesperson for Narre Warren North MP Luke Donnellan declined to comment on the government’s pledge.