Strong line-up for Cavaliers

Import Lester Strong will add size and strength to the Casey Cavalier roster in 2015. 129260 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


129260_07: Import Lester Strong will add size and strength to the Casey Cavalier roster in 2015. 129260 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS
CASEY Cavaliers is primed for a full-on assault of the Men’s 2015 Big V title after announcing a powerful 10-man roster this week.
Head coach Stewart Baird and assistant Jason Suttie have worked hard with the club’s committee to build a team with proven experience and raw talent while maintaining pathway opportunities for junior players.
The men’s roster for 2015 looks formidable with the signing of import Lester Strong, who has impressed Baird so far with his enthusiasm and willingness to impart his knowledge and experience on a young group.
“It’s a great reflection of where the club has gone over the last couple of years that a guy like Lester has sat down and could see the benefit of playing here,” Baird told the News.
“Not only as a great athlete and basketballer, but he’s a quality individual as well … basketball in the Casey region – not just Casey Cavaliers – will see some positive outcome from him being in the area.”
Strong’s former SEABL teammate, Brent Hobba, has joined the Cavs after a successful eight years at Dandenong while Matt Witherden is also returning to Casey in 2015.
Former junior, Jayden McMillin, has returned after four years in the USA playing at Dakota College and Colorado MESA University, while Matt Orchard will have an impact after his time at South Western Community College of Iowa.
Casey favourites Stephen Michalski, Ashley Szalek, Dean Johnson and Bevan Camilleri -whose swift movements are an integral part of the Casey system- return alongside rookie Bradley Szalek.
Casey Cavaliers Team List:
Lester Strong
Brent Hobba
Matt Witherden
Jayden McMillin
Matt Orchard
Ashley Szalek
Stephen Michalski
Dean Johnson
Bevan Camilleri
Bradley Szalek