Build from scratch: designers

Housing designers Tim and Marg Van Dam have urged the Casey community to consider the benefits of knocking down a house and starting from scratch. 114605 Picture: ROB CAREW


TWO Casey-based home designers have urged the local community to consider the benefits of building a house from scratch.
Tim van Dam and wife Marg have been building with the Hotondo Homes Network for more than 13 years and specialise in the Narre Warren, Berwick Clyde and Cranbourne areas.
Mr van Dam encouraged soon-to-be homeowners to build a new house rather than renovate an existing building.
“People come to us wanting to build their dream home. They want something contemporary and fresh, as well as something that suits their current lifestyle needs,” he said.
“Considering a knock down and rebuild project can be highly beneficial and profitable in the long run.
“It can also save you from the stress and costs involved in renovating or extending your existing home.
“People will choose to renovate if they love the existing structure of their home and the block of land they’re on.
“However, in my experience building something new to suit the person or family’s current needs is often the preferred option.”
For more information, contact Tim and Marg on 9708 6999.