Election expenses

WITH reference to the article (Resign Call, News, 27 November ) calling for the mayor’s resignation by councillor Rosalie Crestani, Cr Morland said that Cr Crestani was standing for state Parliament and it was all about publicity for her.
He went on to say her time should be spent representing the Four Oaks Ward and ratepayers and not representing the State Government.
This is really an absurd remark which should have also been directed to all the councillors who have stood for election for the Liberal Party of state Parliament.
We would like to know what is to become of these councillors who have lost their seats in this state election even after so much campaigning by the City of Casey council? We do not know how much of ratepayers money was used for campaigning.
Will these councillors be removed from office after their defeat and should elections be held to fill their vacancies? Will they have to meet the expenses of the election out of their own pockets?
Dunstan Girton and Louis Kotsiras,
Hampton Park.